amresh mishra
Amresh Mishra

Hey! I am a front-end developer. I will be dedicating this blog to write more about Javascript, my travel experiences and all the little knowledge I have about finance!

I work with the brilliant minds at Shutterstock and use React, TypeScript, NextJS, GraphQL, MUI, Webpack, NodeJS/ExpressJS, Jest, Storybook and Swagger. I have always led the efforts in bringing new technologies to improve both DX & UX of the apps we work in.

I grew up in a small town in Odisha in India and hold a Masters degree in Business Analytics from NUI Galway and a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from KIIT University.


  • Joined Shutterstock

    After working with amazing minds at Overstock, I decided to move on to help creators around the world rise and shine. Now I build enriched Search experiences at Shutterstock helping customers find the right assets to implement their beautiful ideas.

  • Joined Overstock Labs 🤩

    I found my place. Amazing team and amazing work culture. Now I build resilient front-end apps that serve millions of customers with NextJS, Storybook, Fela and a lot more.

  • Graduated from NUI Galway, Ireland 🎓

    This could be unreal, but it isn't. Trust me. A big, very big achievement for me. Loads, and I mean loads of hardwork has gone to make this happen. Grateful to all who helped make this happen.

  • Auditor, NUIG CompSoc

    Well, that's sweet! Isn't it ? This helped me meet many innovative minds, interact with them and even better, organise events with them.

  • Enrolled in MSC. in Business Analytics at NUI Galway, Ireland

    This was a dream come true. Add to that the beauty of Ireland. Never ceases to amaze you. Never! No matter wherever you go. ☘️

© 2023 Amresh Mishra